Afa Bo Mbala Cheni Gindi Tinsi?
“Afa Bo Mbala Cheni Gindi Tinsi?” (What Kind of Malam Travels From Town to Town?)
This song is a rebuke of Sheikh Ibrahim Nyass (Niasse; Inyass), a prominent Tijaniya leader and preacher from Koalack, Senegal, who toured Ghana in 1961. During his trip, he visited Accra, Kumasi, Prang, Tamale, Walewale, and Yendi, where he preached to large crowds and reportedly converted thousands to Tijaniya Islam, including some of Afa Ajura’s Sunni followers. The text questions the practice of a malam who travels to spread his teachings, suggesting that a leader with a true message should rather stay in one place and attact followers to come to him.